The Energy and Climate Transformation Academy

Funding sources
The project was financed from the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
Project purpose
The project has developed as an innovative educational inittiative to provide qualified staff for public administrations implementing the Green Deal tasks. The main objective was to provide training for 30 young graduates in administrative expertise to enable them to perform efficiently in a public administration setting.
The programme beneficiaries were young professionals, graduates of technical and natural science universities, whose knowledge, gained during their university studies, would provide a solid foundation for acquiring the competences necessary to meet the challenges the Polish public administration is facing in the area of energy and climate policy. Upon completion of the programme, the participants would be employed in public administration institutions carrying out tasks in the field of energy-climate transition, with the obligation to work for four years after completing the programme.
The project was delivered in cooperation with:
- The Ministry of Climate and Environment
- National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
The training programme of the Academy focused on the acquisition of knowledge from national and international experts in the energy and climate sector within one of three specialisations:
- Management of the state's strategic resources
- Modern energy system
- Innovative methods of climate protection
The training programme was divided into two main parts:
- Education on the functioning of public administration – preparatory classes for work in administration consisting of the following modules:
- Basics of law and administration includes training in basic and advanced knowledge of the functioning of public administration, with particular emphasis on government administration. Participants will also learn about the organisation and working principles of the civil service.
- International issues includes training on the European Union and international climate and energy policy.
- Management includes training in soft skills in working with a human team and hard skills in project management. Participants acquire skills in proper communication within project teams and in building and sustaining relationships within activities.
- Introduction to public economy and finance covers basic education in economics and finance. Within the framework of the module, participants acquire knowledge of the public finance system and the role played in it by European funds, with particular emphasis on the financing of energy and climate policy.
- Climate changes in the aspect of sustainable development includes training in basic knowledge of the state of the environment, its change and the factors influencing it.
- Education in energy and climate transition issues – training provided as specialisation classes, delivered in three groups for three different specialisations:
- Modern energy system includes education on the challenges facing the development of the electricity sector worldwide.
- State strategic resources management includes education on the challenges facing rational resources management with particular emphasis on the specificity of Poland.
- Innovative methods of climate conservation covers education in the challenges of reducing negative human impact on the surrounding environment.
The training programme was completed by an advanced English course, as well as by internships in national and foreign institutions.
The project was implemented between the January and November 2022. A group of 22 participants recruited to the project took part in and completed the training.
More details concerning the project are available in the following online resources:
- website: