Projekty szkoleniowe
Spotkanie europejskiej sieci dyrektorów szkół administracji publicznej (DISPA)
W dniach 13 i 14 października w Krajowej Szkole Administracji Publicznej odbyło się spotkanie europejskiej sieci dyrektorów szkół administracji publicznej (Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration, DISPA) dotyczące przywództwa (leadership) oraz szkoleń służby cywilnej w tym zakresie.
Oprócz dyrektorów większości europejskich instytucji partnerskich KSAP w spotkaniu uczestniczyli także przedstawiciele European Administrative School, Komisji Europejskiej oraz organizacji międzynarodowych, takich jak IASIA, RESPA czy NISPAcee oraz słuchacze szkoły. Konferencję otworzył Szef Służby Cywilnej, Pan Sławomir Brodziński, a głównym prelegentem był Pan Luc Roullet, ekspert w dziedzinie szkoleń z zakresu leadership.
Files to download
- Program (Agenda) (200.64 KB)
- Session 1: Przemówienie Szefa Służby Cywilnej (Speech by Head of Civil Service) (622.20 KB)
- Session 1: Prof. Jacek Czaputowicz, Director, National School of Public Administration (KSAP), Poland, Introductory remarks (107.70 KB)
- Session 1: Prof. Mr. Luc Roullet, Expert in Leadership Training, Y-Motions Int., Teaching leadership for Public (1.36 MB)
- Session 2: Ms. Małgorzata Steiner, Lecturer, National School of Public Administration, Poland (970.44 KB)
- Session 2: Mr. Massimo Gerli, Head of International Relations Department, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, Italy (413.31 KB)
- Session 2: Dr. Hans Kunsmann, Director, Bundesakademie für Öffentliche Verwaltung, Germany (416.81 KB)
- Working groups, Introduction: Group I - Identifying and developing a leadership talent Chair: Ms. Teresa Casserly, Director of Training and Leadership, Institute of Public Administration (IPA) Dublin, Ireland (301.17 KB)
- Working groups, Introduction: Group II - Ethical leadership Chair: Ms. Lärke Johns, Director, Swedish Council for Strategic HR Development, Stockholm, Sweden (897.20 KB)
- Working groups, Introduction: Group III - Leaders as agents of change Chair: Mr. Sotos Shiakides, Head, Cyprus Academy of Public Administration, Cyprus (55.94 KB)
- Working groups, Introduction: Group IV - The relationship between leadership and HR professionalization Chair: Ms. Lynda Somme-Dew, HR Professional Development Programme Manager, European Commission (69.99 KB)
- Working groups, Conclusions: Group I - Identifying and developing a leadership talent, Ms. Teresa Casserly, Director of Training and Leadership, Institute of Public Administration (IPA) Dublin, Ireland (153.46 KB)
- Working groups, Conclusions: Group II - Public Ethos - A Good Culture of Public Administration, Ms. Lärke Johns, Director, Swedish Council for Strategic HR Development, Stockholm, Sweden (223.73 KB)
- Working groups, Conclusions: Group III - Leaders as agents of change, Mr. Sotos Shiakides, Head, Cyprus Academy of Public Administration, Cyprus (42.85 KB)
- Working groups, Conclusions: Group III - Leaders as agents of change, Wojciech Bednarek, Student, National School of Public Administration, Poland (26.05 KB)
- Working groups, Conclusions: Group IV - The relationship between leadership and HR professionalization, Ms. Lynda Somme-Dew, HR Professional Development Programme Manager, European Commission (55.03 KB)
- Prof. Mzia Mikeladze, President, Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (589.22 KB)
- Mr. Yurii Kovbasiuk, President, National Academy of Public Administration, Office of the President of Ukraine (992.93 KB)
- Mr. Suad Music, Director, Regional School of Public Administration (1.37 MB)
- Stefano Pizzicannella, Executive Secretary Committee for the Promotion of Leadership, Prime Minister's Office, IASIA (859.50 KB)
- DISPA EAS meeting (325.27 KB)
- Invitation to the next DISPA meeting – Mr. Nikolaj G. Lubanski, General Director, Danish School of Public Administration (197.35 KB)
- The Budapest/Warsaw resolution of the members of DISPA (6.36 KB)