Training courses

Continuing education is the part of KSAP’s activity seeking to support the professional training of public-administration employees. The mission of meeting administration’s needs through training is pursued through the organising of (online and intramural) courses that develop knowledge among civil servants, and raise their qualifications.

Training given by experienced lecturers and trainers allows civil servants to acquire knowledge and skills that they can put to good use in the practice of their professional work. By the way, participation on training courses offers the perfect chance to make contacts with other officials facing similar professional challenges.

Tasks in regard to continuing training are assigned to the School’s Continuing Training Centre by way of open or closed courses, grant-aided courses (including those in the context of the so-called Central Training), longer forms, language courses and e-learning.

Organised in 2023 within the continuing training framework were a total of 347 training courses (either online or intramural), attracting 5566 participants

175 of the courses organised were run at the School – for a total of 2827 participants.