Coaching Technics for the Public Sector as a Tool to Improvement of the Public Services (COACH-TECH)

Funding sources

The project implemented under the Erasmus+ Programme (European Union programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport for 2014-2020), ERASMUS PLUS KA204 / 202 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP PROJECT.

Project purpose

The purpose of the project was to prepare and disseminate best practices related to the usage of the coaching tools in public administration institutions, through raising awareness and improving the leadership and management skills of the low and middle-lever managerial staff of the public administration institutions.


The project was implemented as a transnational partnership, in cooperation with:

  • Latvian School of Public Administration (LSPA) – leading partner,
  • MetaCoach, training center (Latvia)
  • Society in Progress, non-profit organization (Greece)

The direct beneficiaries of the project were low and middle-level management staff of the public administration institutions.


The schedule of activities related to the implementation of the project assumed undertaking the activities as per below:

Survey on the use of coaching in the institutions of public administration

Before the implementation of the project a detailed survey on the use of coaching in the institutions of public administration in Poland, Latvia and Greece was to be conducted. The results of the survey had helped to choose coaching techniques to be included in the toolkit and to design the Coaching Course.

Creation of a Coaching Toolkit (manual)

Based on the analysis of the survey, the Coaching Toolkit combined existing and new coaching tools to be developed to answer the actual needs of public administration as per identified in the survey. The toolkit was to include clear and simple coaching instructions and tools fit to the needs of public institutions to be used by middle and junior level managers. The toolkit format was designed to provide users with specific steps, drawings, and visualizations (one method on one page) so it could be easily used without the necessity of prior training.

Provisional Coaching Toolkit structure includes:

  • Introduction: the purpose and the benefits of the Toolkit. Explanation of concepts, terms, and definitions, methods, differences in coaching from other types of employee management, and managerial development.
  • Priorities. Coaching tools for goal planning.
  • Team management and leadership. Team coaching.
  • Self-motivation and motivation of others. Coaching and workplace.
  • Competence development through coaching. Leadership competencies and coaching.
  • Coaching schemes.

Pilot Course on the coaching techniques

In each partner country the pilot group of 10 – 12 middle and low-level managers participated in the course on the coaching techniques. Its program was based on the previously designed, tailor-made curriculum offering coaching solutions and tools in answer to real problems and needs indicated in the survey.

The experimental course in the form of group and individual coaching sessions, lasted 8 months. The feedback and evaluation from its participants served as indicators of the achievement of the project.


The project has been implemented since November 2020 and fully delivered by the end of July 2022.

During the implementation period the group of 10 middle-level managers completed a pilot training in the area of the use of coaching techniques in the public administration institutions. As a result of the pilot course international group of trainers from the partner countries of the project developed a Coaching Toolkit (manual) with coaching techniques descriptions and tool instructions ready-to-use in every day work and in different situations by all level managers. Simultaneously, a Coaching Course for public sector managers was created, allowing to use coaching tools and techniques in the professional education/training.

In June 2022, the Toolkit and Coaching Course was presented at the Public Manageent Forum dedicated to the usage of the coaching technique in the public administration and a toolkit was published on KSAP website to ensure free access to the developed materials for all the parties interested.

Coaching toolkit is available online and can be downloaded here.

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